Evidence-based technique that quickly helps get rid of persistent muscle tension and pain, increase mobility and flexibility, and improve overall muscle function.
Offered as a stand-alone treatment, or applied during an Acupuncture, Massage or Combo (Acup + Massage) session.
Known in NYC for her result-oriented Dry Needling technique, Montserrat at Alquimia Wellness is not only sought out by athletes, marathoners, fitness enthusiasts, musicians, and broadway dancers, but also by many suffering from persistent muscle tension and discomfort due to poor posture, and overall stress.
What is Dry Needling?
Just as in regular acupuncture, an ultra-thin, single-use acupuncture needle is used. The difference is, instead of inserting the needle/s into "acupoints" that are based on ancient Chinese medicine and are close to the body's surface, the needles are instead inserted deeper into areas of a suspected muscle that is housing "trigger points". The needle is then lightly moved around focusing on stimulating the underlying myofascial trigger points to produce a localized involuntary muscle twitching. This reaction has the effect of fatiguing the tight muscle and producing an immediate reduction or elimination of the tightness and discomfort for the management of neuro-musculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. Unlike in an acupuncture session where the needles are left in place for a certain amount of time, in dry needling they are only used to release trigger points.

Trigger Points

Trigger points are hypersensitive nodules formed by myofascial tissue in a chronic spasm. These points can be either active or latent.
Active points can cause noticeable overall pain and referred sensations on a daily basis. ​
Latent points on the other hand are tender areas in the muscle that just about almost everyone has. Needling these will be also of importance in order to stop active trigger points from forming and to help prevent any future pain. loss flexibly and range of motion,.
Trigger points can also activate other nearby points, satellite trigger points, causing a chain reaction which can then lead to chronic pain.
Trigger points can cause a myriad of problems from pain in injured and surrounding areas, dysfunctional movement patterns, headaches and migraines, and joint dysfunction.
Causes of Trigger Points
- Psychological stress
- Postural imbalances
- Improper or over training.
- Poor body mechanics
- An old but healed injury
- Repetitive movement of a muscle
Trigger points can cause a myriad of problems from pain in injured and surrounding areas, dysfunctional movement patterns, headaches and migraines, and joint dysfunction.
If you don't see a time that best works for you, text or call us at (917) 715-2958.
Available openings might not always reflect on the online schedule since online booking is only available within 2 hours of an appointment.